
“Everyone has a chapter they don’t want to read aloud. Don’t let those pages write the rest of your story. Find the magic in them and move on.”

I haven’t written here for a long time. I was thinking that maybe this ‘Mummy Wagon’ chapter is coming to an end. It’s done its time. It’s served its dues. 

So instead, I decided to do something different. My eldest had started ‘big school’, my youngest is now 2. I felt like I needed a challenge.

I spend the next 18 months immersed in words, research and assignments. It’s gloriously painful. Thrillingly frustrating. 

Testing. Rewarding. Draining. Exhilarating. 

I’ve written more than 65,000 words that only one set of eyes will ever read. I attain my Master’s Degree with a sigh of relief and a renewed sense of freedom. Yet, the mind seeks more. 

What now?

The world decides to take a peculiar turn. It tilts a little too far on its axis. The world turned upside down. The holiday is cancelled. Graduation is abandoned. A giant magnifying glass is forced into our hands, asking us, “what do you really want?”

… and here we find ourselves. Welcome to Chapter 4. 

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