Multiplying Love

“Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.” – Roald Dahl

He brought with him a love that bends time. A love that tests all resolve with the same conclusion; I’d lay my life down for you. A love that is imperfectly perfect. It is exhausting and exciting. Confusing and victorious. It heals and binds. It changed me.

Love. I hear of it’s magic. It has unconditional powers. It has the ability to make the world, or break it. It can conquer all. It never fails. It can increase and overflow. It can drive out all fear. It can multiply.

Little One rubs his hands over my belly and radiates adoration and excitement. I look at him and question, can this love really be multiplied?

As he sends kisses to ‘his baby’ with declarations of love for our little tribe… as I process the idea of being a mother of 2…  as we wait for the arrival of this multiplying love… I wonder, maybe the magic has already begun…


38 weeks

“You are my blue crayon, the one I never have enough of, the one I use to colour my sky.”


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