
At an estimated 8 weeks we are referred to have a dating scan to see when the little bundle is set to arrive. There on the screen we see a blob with a fast paced flicker. “There’s your baby and that’s the heart beat…” Hubby’s face is priceless. I’ve never seen such bewilderment, amazement or pride in his eyes before. There it is. It’s real. It’s true. It’s happening. No longer is it just a knowing. We now have solid evidence that something is actually growing in my belly.

There’s our baby in black and white with an anticipated arrival of the 17th September 2012. We sit silently… transfixed… gazing at that screen. Hello Little One… 

8 weeks

8 weeks flickering heart beat

“As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.” -Ecclesiastes 11:5

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