Sweet Surprise

Now there’s a rule of thumb when it comes to sharing baby news. Everything has to be hush-hush for the first 12 weeks, as it’s known that 1 in 4 pregnancies result in miscarriage during this time. So as a social norm, to-be parents live in fear for the first three delicate months following conception worrying that sharing their news too early could lead to the chance of this unfortunate, yet usually natural, occurrence befalling upon them. And let’s be honest… no one really wants to have ‘that’ conversation, do we…


Move over Cake Boss. The culinary Queen has entered the building.

We decide, due to the above, we will only share the news with our families. It’s now Australia Day and I decide to announce our surprise in the most palatable of ways; cupcakes. Mum’s reaction was a succession of emotions beginning with confusion, disbelief and then resounding joy. Dad was clearly pleased, however, behind the big smile I could sense a sadness in his eyes that his baby girl had all of a sudden grown into a mummy-woman. Despite every father’s desperate cling to the possibility… no… it was not an immaculate conception.

“Food always taste better when eaten with family”

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