Off The Menu

A blood test at the doctors confirms that I am in fact pregnant. I immediately start google-ing ‘creative’ ways to announce the news to hubby. I come across some ridiculous ideas that make me shudder. Seriously? Ok… I’ll make him a dinner that is baby themed; lamb, baby carrots, baby back ribs, apple juice.  Yeah…I’m pregnant and like to eat babies…


You’re going to be a dad!

Luckily hormones have not completely ruined my better judgement and I opt to buy the teeniest baby onesie I could find and hand it to him. That worked. He went white and had to sit down. I cried. He chanted something along the lines of, “it’s good, it’s good, it’s good”. Wow… our reckless early twenties have officially come to an end with this news. That holiday we booked to Samoa… cancelled. Time to save some money. As a temporary employee, I’m assessing any possibilities in attaining a permanent job before my career is completely ruined by the news of an impending child… sad I know, but true.

In the meantime, I’ve been frantically researching what this pregnancy thing is all about. I’m dumbfounded by the amount of things I can no longer eat due to ‘increased risks’. Pate, blue cheese, cured meats, poached eggs, sashimi, sushi, (salad!!!) are all off the menu. We attend a wedding a day before my birthday that served beautiful French themed hors d’oeuvres, in which only a few I was actually ‘permitted’ to consume. If I even dare put something forbidden near my mouth, surely the grounds would open and consume me, whilst trumpets would declare my unruliness. Oh the sacrifices have already come knocking! The summer heat in pounding and I feel hot, bothered, ill and I can’t yet tell any of my friends, who are baffled as to why we don’t continue ‘partying’ after the reception. We head back to our hotel, which had been booked earlier as a birthday treat, and we collapse. I’m now 25 and I’m not ready for this…God how I’m so not ready!

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